Jun 21st

Summer Greetings

ByCarmelite Priory Mdina | In News

Greetings from the Mdina Carmelite Community!

unnamedFrom our last newsletter contact for Holy Week and Eastertide many beautiful things happened at the Priory. One major occurrence was the celebration of the Carmelite Provincial Chapter which brought some changes for Carmelites in Malta. At the Priory our schedule of events proceeded mainly with intense liturgical celebrations proper to Eastertide. These celebrations included the Seven Joys of Mary popularly known as L-Erbgħat tal-Madonna tal-Karmnu and the Pentecost Vigil. Other special occurrences included the monthly retreats for Carmelite friars and lay Carmelites, the Eucharistic week from Corpus Christi to the Sacred Heart of Jesus. The Third Order welcomed eight new candidates and quite a good number of devotees enrolled in the Scapular of Our Lady of Mount Carmel. Other events include also courses, lectures and seminars, lectio divina groups and the monthly Titus Brandsma Circle meetings. During the past months we had quiet a good number of “pilgrimages” of school children celebrating the traditional Marian Day and also visits from alumni. On a general level it is quite encouraging to witness the number of people who every Wednesday and Saturday, days dedicated to Our Lady of Mount Carmel, pay a visit to the shrine of Our Lady, especially for the Carmelite Rosary and Mass in the evenings at 5pm. This season we had also quite a good harvest of honey from the Priory’s apiary. The Church is undergoing some maintenance work on the electricity system as it was damaged by a lightning. This is quite and expense but hopefully we will manage to cover the costs and finish work in the following months. We apologise to visitors for any inconvenience.


Our programme of events includes a Noon concert by the Northwest Girls Choir in aid of the restoration project of the 17th century pipe organ. As time passes by we are approaching the much cherished month of July in which Carmelites celebrate the Solemn Commemoration of Our Lady of Mount Carmel which is the Patronal feast of the Order. The feast is observed on the 16th of July by the whole Carmelite Family while at Mdina we will celebrate Our Lady on July 19. Novena starts on the 9th. On the website you may find the entire programme for the festa celebrations for which we cordially invite you to participate. This year on the eve of the Festa, we will celebrate the Akathist in honour of Our Lady.

While extending our best wishes for the Summer Season we hope to welcome you at the Priory for the upcoming events.

The Mdina Carmelite Community

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  • 6:30 am Rosary
  • 6:45 am Lauds
  • 7:00 am Holy Mass
  • 12:30 pm Office of Readings & Midday Prayer
  • 5:30 pm (Wednesdays) Holy Mass
  • 7:00 pm (Saturdays) Lectio Divina in common
  • 7:30 pm Meditation
  • 8:00 pm Vespers
  • Full schedule



Carmelite Priory Villegaignon Street Mdina, Malta
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