Nhar il-Gimgha 6 ta’ Dicembru 2013 se jiltaqghu ghall-ewwel darba koppji nsara flimkien madwar l-ispiritwalità Karmelitana. L-ghan tal-grupp Oasi huwa li bhala mizzewgin nimxu flimkien mixja ta’ fidi. Din il-mixja titlob li ahna wkoll bhala insara adulti nithejjew tajjeb ghall-isfidi differenti li nhabbtu wiccna maghhom fil-hajja ta’ kuljum. Dan il-grup huwa mill-koppji ghall-koppji li jridu […]
CONTINUE READINGThe passage of memory – drawings, paintings and sketches by Damian Ebejer.
CONTINUE READING OR SEE FACEBOOK PAGEThe Carmelite Spirituality Retreat will run as a silent retreat centred around a prayerful pondering of the Word of God both through personal prayer and the celebration of the Liturgy. The retreat is structured around the classical three stages of the spiritual journey: purification, enlightenment and mystical union. Retreat Directors: Fr Charlo Camilleri, O.Carm. and […]
CONTINUE READING OR SEE FACEBOOK PAGEIn these works Gordon Pace Flores combines the organic form of human body with that of text – exploring the geometry of the body, with the flow of text following along or contrasting with the natural contours of the body