“JOURNEYS AND MIRACLES” is an art exhibition which invites to self-discovery. American Artist, Marianne Stratton Ogden, breaks new ground in contemporary art telling stories through imagery. She reminds us of the miraculous events that have brought us to this place in our lives. Many of these events are the basis for our beliefs and choices. They give us courage and vision in times of hardship. As an outsider living in a new country, it is sometimes easier to see the pattern of rich mysteries that others might take for granted. Just as she explores these landmark experiences in her own life, through mixed media, Marianne Ogden also retells iconic events in Malta, combining modern techniques with traditional, realistic painting.
As part of the activities to commemorate the 500 years of Saint Teresa’s birth, the Carmelite Priory is honoured to host this exhibition in the hope that visitors, and participants in the related art workshops, are enabled to embark on the path of spiritual transformation through the images and symbols which mark the ‘stages’ and ‘mansions’ of the spiritual journey.
“JOURNEYS AND MIRACLES” is an art exhibition which invites to self-discovery. American Artist, Marianne Stratton Ogden, breaks new ground in contemporary art telling stories through imagery. She reminds us of the miraculous events that have brought us to this place in our lives.
Marianne Ogden, first established herself as a portrait artist but has recently taken a new direction toward contemporary mixed media. Her imaginative constructions tell stories in painting, collage and assemblage. Born in the United States, she began oil painting as a child with a private tutor and then at (what was) the Canton Art Institute. Later, she received a BS in Education from Taylor University and an MA in Intercultural Communication from Wheaton. Independently, Ogden continued to make portraits and other paintings for herself and friends.
By the mid 90’s, her art had shown throughout the Midwest and East coast of the U.S., winning notable awards. She had entered exhibits and quickly found a following. At first, she primarily painted watercolor portraits of children. Then, with more and more requests for paintings of adults, she integrated her earlier training in oils. She had become a proven artist. Her work also won the respect of Woodward Academy, a premier private school in Atlanta, where she was asked to be an Art Instructor.
Later, she moved to New York City. Throughout the next ten years, she taught there and began to create more personal works in mixed media. In the process, teaching art expanded her technical range and supplied her with endless inspiration. “Finally, I feel that as an artist I really have something to say.” Today she lives in Malta and enjoys blending her traditional painting with mixed media techniques.
This event is organised in collaboration with Malta Women in Business
One Comment to "Art Exhibition – Journeys and Miracles"
Hi Marianne!
I would LOVE to come to the workshops, but unfortunately I have my own classes on Saturday mornings……. I will be at the exhibition opening though and really look forward to seeing you again, and to seeing your work!
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