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    Carmelite Priory Mdina
  • Date :

    October 2014 - March 2015
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“I was born for you”
St Teresa of Jesus
5th Centenary of Birth

The Year 2015 commemorates the 500 years of the birth of one of the greatest Carmelite saints: St. Teresa of Jesus, who in the Church is venerated as the Teacher of the Spiritual Life (Mater spiritualium). She is the first woman to be the title of Doctor in the Church. St Teresa is together with the Holy Fathers of Carmel (St. Elijah, St. Angelo, St. Albert, and others who incarnate and mirror the charism of the Carmelite Order), is a spiritual mother. Teresa’s spiritual motherhood prompted renewal in Carmel and triggered the emergence of the Discalced Carmelite religious family, popularly known as Theresians.Thus, the 15th of October both in 2014 and in 2015 is a special day as the feast of St. Teresa is celebrated within the anniversary of her birth. The theme for this centenary year is taken from a poem by St. Teresa: “I was born for you”.

Santa Tereza (2) -  CentenaryThe Maltese Carmelite Province will celebrate the 500th anniversary of the birth of St. Teresa through various activities that entice us to renew our spiritual life as Christians and Carmelites. Some of these activities will be held in conjunction with the Discalced Carmelites of which Teresa is founderess.

The Mdina Carmelite Priory, apart from Liturgical celebrations will hold several formative and cultural activities throughout the year to commemorate this anniversary. This is appropriate as in the Priory St Teresa always enjoyed great admiration and devotion, from the moment of her canonization in 1622. In the Priory’s library one finds early editions of the mystical writings of Teresa. Moreover, in 1627, only five years after the canonization of Teresa, the community commissioned a painting showing St Teresa in the mystic transverberation. In 1692 another painting was commissioned to Preti, to adorn the pipe organ. The painting depicts St. Teresa’s transverberation. This painting complements another one depicting another Carmelite spiritual mother: St. Mary Magdalene de ‘Pazzi, both venerated as the Mystical Seraphic Saints of Carmel, filled with the love of God. In 1712 another painting was commissioned depicting the mystical veiling of Teresa by the Virgin Mary and St Joseph. In the Priory one finds also two other paintings of St Teresa, and a crib statue.


F’għeluq il-ħames mitt sena mit-twelid ta’ Santa Tereża ta’ Ġesù, Mario Azzopardi f’Ċekkmejt lil Kristu, jitfa’ taħt il-lenti lil Tereża, l-esperjenza tagħha, kitbietha u jaqraha mill-aspett teatriku imnebbaħ mill-kuntest barokk u eżuberanti tagħha u nterpretat fid-dawl tat-teorija teatrali iktar reċenti.

Santa Tereża – Mgħallma tal-Ħajja tat-Talb

Il-Papa Pawlu VI fl-1970 iddikjara lil Santa Tereża ta’ Ġesù l-ewwel mara Duttur tal-Knisja fuq il-Ħajja tat-Talb. F’għeluq il-500 sena mit-twelid ta’ din il-qaddisa Karmelitana, se noffru l-possibilità ta’ nofs ta’ nhar ta’ tagħlim fuq Santa Tereża u l-Ħajja tat-Talb.

More International Events commemorating the 500 years of the birth of Saint Teresa of Avila


Santa Tereża ta’ Ġesù

Matul is-Sena 2015, il-Karmelu jfakkar il-500 sena mit-twelid ta’ waħda mill-ikbar qaddisin Karmelitani: Santa Tereża ta’ Ġesù li fil-Knisja hija meqjuma bħala l-Għalliema tal-Ħajja Spiritwali (Mater spiritualium). Hija l-ewwel mara li ngħatalha t-titlu ta’ Duttur tal-Knisja. Santa Tereża hija flimkien mal-Missirijiet Qaddisa tal-Karmelu (San Elija, Sant’Anġlu, San Albert, u oħrajn) li nkarnaw bis-sħiħ il-Kariżma tal-Ordni Karmelitan, hija omm spiritwali. Din il-maternità spiritwali f’Santa Tereża qanqlet tiġdid fil-Karmelu u kienet il-bidu tal-familja reliġjuża tal-Karmelitani Skalzi, popolarment magħrufa bħala Tereżjani.

Għaldaqstant il-15 ta’ Ottubru tal-2014 kif ukoll dak tal-2015 huwa jum speċjali għax il-festa ta’ Santa Tereża tiġi ċċelebrata fis-sena tal-anniversarju mit-twelid tagħha. It-tema għal din is-sena hija meħuda minn poeżija ta’ Santa Tereża: “Għalik jien twelidt”.

Il-Provinċja Karmelitana Maltija se tiċċelebra l-500 sena mit-twelid ta’ Santa Tereża b’diversi attivitajiet li jgħinuna niġġeddu fil-ħajja spiritwali tagħna bħala St Tereza (2) - CentenaryNsara u Karmelitani. Uħud minn dawn l-attivitajiet isiru flimkien mal-Karmelitani Skalzi li għalihom Tereża hija fundatriċi.

Fil-Karmnu tal-Mdina minbarra l-Liturġija se jiġu organizzati diversi attivitajiet formattivi u kulturali biex infakkru dan l-anniversarju u dan bix-xieraq għax fil-Karmnu tal-Mdina Santa Tereża dejjem gawdiet devozzjoni sa’ minn meta saret qaddisa. Fil-Bibljoteka tal-Kunvent insibu edizzjonijiet bikrija tal-kitbiet mistiċi ta’ Tereża. Sa’ mill-1627, ħames snin biss wara l-kanonizzazjoni ta’ Tereża, diġa kien hawn kwadru li juri lill-qaddisa fin-nifda mistika tal-qalb. Fl-1692 sar kwadru ieħor mill-Preti, għall-orgni li juri lil Santa Tereża fin-nifda tal-qalb. Dan huwa “par” ma’ ieħor li juri omm spiritwali oħra tal-Karmelu: Santa Marija Maddalena de’ Pazzi, meqjumin it-tnejn bħala s-Serafini tal-Karmelu għax imħeġġa bl-imħabba ta’ Alla. Fl-1712 sar kwadru ieħor ta’ din il-qaddisa u juri l-velazzjoni mistika tal-qaddisa mill-Verġni Marija u San Ġużepp. Fil-Kunvent insibu żewġ kwadri oħra ta’ Santa Tereża fin-nifda tal-qalb u statwa fis-sala kapitulari.


2 Comments to "St Teresa of Jesus – 5th Centenary of Birth"

  • Sr. Catherine Seychell
    09/11/2014 at 3:58 am

    Well done for all your activities. I wish to be informed when you organise something regarding St. Teresa of Avila, especially some formative and informative event. thanks
    sr catherine Seychell

  • carmelina sammut
    20/07/2015 at 1:26 pm

    i too wish to be informed about St Theresa of Avila’s events especially those dealing with her philosophy, life and writings. Please do keep me informed.
    with thanks and kind regards,
    carmelina sammut

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  • 6:30 am Rosary
  • 6:45 am Lauds
  • 7:00 am Holy Mass
  • 12:30 pm Office of Readings & Midday Prayer
  • 5:30 pm (Wednesdays) Holy Mass
  • 7:00 pm (Saturdays) Lectio Divina in common
  • 7:30 pm Meditation
  • 8:00 pm Vespers
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