“Live self-controlled, upright and godly lives in this present age…” (Titus 2:11-14)
Another Lenten Season is approaching, preparing us for the essential celebration of the Church’s calendar; the heart of all Christian life: the Paschal Mystery. It marks the mystery of the Risen Crucified Lord, who lives in those who welcome his invitation to follow him. Lent prepares us for the Paschal newness of life through a forty-day period of prayer, fasting, and alms-giving in a spirit of charity.
As usual at the Mdina Priory, we try to live intensely these three pillars of the Christian asceticism, by paying more attention to the Word of God proclaimed in the liturgy, and the daily exercise of Lectio Divina. Also during this season, the Lectio Divina group and Titus Brandsma Circle will meet as usual.
For Lent we have quite a programme of activities going on. On Ash Wednesday, 1st March, the rite of ashes will be celebrated during the 7.00 a.m. and 5.30 p.m. Mass. At 6.45 a.m. we will have, as usual, the daily celebration of Morning Prayers (Lauds). Ash Wednesday falls also on the first Wednesday of the month, therefore we will have silent Adoration after the 5.30pm Mass followed by the Third Order meeting. At 5.00 p.m. there is the communal celebration of the Via Crucis. For the Lenten Season a brief homily will be delivered during Mass. This will be uploaded online to enable more people to follow it daily.
In March, we have several Lenten retreats and prayer meetings. Starting on March 3rd, we have a retreat for members of the Diocesan Curia. Then on 12th and 19th of March we will be hosting two retreats organized by the Fgura and Santa Venera Parishes. On March 16th at 10.00 a.m. we will have Adoration and prayers of intercession, while on March 17th we will host the Capuchin community for their Lenten retreat. On March 29th members of the Prayer Group Avertan P. Fenech will meet also for their Lenten retreat. As you know, on February 2nd the Archbishop opened the cause of Beatification and Canonisation of Fr Avertanus Fenech. One can pay visits to both his tomb and cell. The tomb is located in the church. One can pause for a moment of prayer and recollection. The Church is open till 5.00 p.m. For visits to his cell an appointment with one of the friars is needed.
In addition to these events and activities, in Lent we celebrate the Solemnity of St. Joseph, on March 20th. Then on March 25th we will celebrate the Solemnity of the Annunciation of the Lord, titular of our Church in Mdina. On that day we have the retreat for the Carmelite friars.
The program of the celebrations for the feast of the Annunciation will be out soon.
Every year during Lent and Easter we suggest some texts for reading and meditation. This year we invite you to read along with us selected texts from the writings of St. Mary Magdalene de ‘Pazzi as we celebrate 450 years of her birth.
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