Sep 28th

Programme of Events 2020-21

ByCarmelite Priory Mdina | In News

Despite the present COVID-19 pandemic, we are cautiously offering, as usual, a programme of religious and spiritual events wherein we friars share our Carmelite Life and Charism with you. As most of you are aware although from last March we had to cancel all onsite programmed events, we have kept contact with you through our daily online mass and online meetings for the Third Order, Spiritual Direction and pastoral assistance for those who requested our support. We also tried to have online sessions of Christian meditation, but unfortunately, it did not work. Although our contact was kept minimal, however, you were all present in our thoughts and prayers. We really missed your presence which along with us friars kept the Priory bubbling with life, sharing an adequate space for prayer, reflection and community building in the Risen Christ. It is our hope that the long COVID-19 pause is purifying us all, inviting us to focus on what is essential in our lives whilst thrusting us into the future with renewed energy.

COVID-19 forced pause however gave us the opportunity to speed up certain important projects including the refurbishing of the Historical and Current Archives and the ongoing work on the Carmelite Library of over 20,000 volumes. These are now open again to the public for research and study. More information will be given accordingly.

So as per the coming October, our doors will be open again for you to share with us moments of Lectio Divina, Christian Meditation in the Carmelite Tradition, obviously courses of the Carmelite Institute Malta (the Academic Programme has been already in circulation) and other cultural, spiritual and religious events. Scheduled in the programme attached one will find only dates for Third Order meetings, Lectio Divina and Meditation classes. There are other events planned, but till now we are still figuring out how to proceed due to the present pandemic.

With health and safety precautions put in place, the Priory in collaboration with Carmelite Institute Malta has invested, with great cost, also in extensive wi-fi connectivity at the Priory so that our activities could be followed both onsite for a restricted number of people upon prior booking) as well as virtually through Zoom. Hence, prior registration is obligatory for each event one intends to attend. Links to follow online will only be offered to those who book via the Priory’s email. Updates and necessary information will be communicated accordingly.

While we augur health and peace, let’s look to the future with hope.

Kind regards and God bless,

The Carmelites in Mdina.

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